Mississippi From Chestnut by Sharon Krapfl
This is an unframed original watercolor by Sharon Krapfl of Dubuque, Iowa.
Image size: approximately 9.75" x 6.75"
Matted size: 14" x 11"
Although I did not start out in watercolor, I became fascinated with its luminous colors and fluidity after taking a workshop at the Dubuque Museum of Art. When I paint I am especially interested in the interplay of light and shadow. I usually use a limited palette of three colors and experiment with different combinations. When using watercolor I am charmed by the happy accident of paint mixing on paper and then blending into subtle colors. Recently I have gone full circle and have begun using oils, along with gouache, oil pastels and acrylics, which I find to be challenging and fun.
Sharon has lived in Dubuque since she was 16, having moved from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Sharon has a B.A. in Art from Clarke College and has attended numerous watercolor workshops by nationally recognized artists. She is a Signature Member of the Iowa Watercolor Society.
Find more of Sharon's work here.