Crow Animus Print by Cat Rocketship
What is your Animus? Is there a ghostly creature that floats along with you, as your trusted friend and adviser? Is there a creature out there whose characteristics you embody? I created the Animus Collection thinking about the connections between humans and our relatives, and the familiar traits that show up in us all.
This is a print of a drawing by Cat Rocketship of Des Moines, Iowa.
A lot of my work is highly graphic, uses bold lines and colors, and I love to use skeletons to remind humans how we are connected to other-than-human beings.
I work with multiple mediums: digital illustration, traditional drawing and watercolor, and creating interior and exterior murals with acrylic, latex, and spray paint. I focus on stickers, prints, and murals in order to make work that is affordable and accessible to lots and lots of people.
Find more of Cat's work here.